My first blog was started when I went to Alaska to workcamp in the spring of 2012. It was on a different site (, if you want to check it out) and it went just fine.
I moved my blogging site to Weebly after blog-host-site-hopping-around for a bit, and here is where I've stayed since around 2015. I don't post often but when I do, a lot of thought goes into what I write. I want to make my words mean something, even if that 'something' is simply to make you smile or (hope of hopes) giggle. Share my articles if you want - it would be a tremendous honor to me to know you wanted others to read what I wrote. I hope you enjoy what you read, and if you don't enjoy it, then I hope it at least was interesting to you in some form or fashion. And I hope you will leave me a comment at the end of whichever blog post you feel is worthy of a little of your extra time. Thanks.